Our photo gallery contains images of our kennel, the country we hunt,
and our dogs working wild birds. You won't find photos of dogs
check-corded on planted birds, or "wing-on-a-string" pictures. You won't
find dog photos with digitally altered tails. In most instances, the
dogs pictured are not "fresh". They have been on the ground for an hour
or more - often on hot days. You will see them as they really are, and
not posed. We will update this page regularly.
Click on a thumbnail to view the full-size image.
building |
runs and office |
box inside kennel building |
exercise yard |
play yard where litters exercise |
Our training grounds- 89,000 contiguous acres of Bayfield County forest |
flushing chickens for Maggie, Ft. Pierre National
Grasslands |
pointing chickens in early morning fog on the Ft. Pierre
National Grasslands |
flushing chickens for Maggie |
pointing quail in Iowa |
pointing single quail in Iowa |
a Budd x Abby pup owned by Mick Guerin, is an accomplished wild bird dog and family companion |
pointing sharptails on the Ft. Pierre National
Grasslands |
pointing a pheasant |
a 2007 Mack x Nell pup |
Elhew Mack |
pointing pheasants at nine months of age |
in the grouse woods in northern Wisconsin |
Mack pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota |
Mack pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota |
Joe Bob, a littermate to Mack, pointing quail |
Jessie pointing a pheasant in South Dakota |
pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota |
pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota |
Diva pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota |
Eleven month old Diva pointing grouse |
Diva pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota |
Hunting C.M. Russell NWR in Montana |
South Dakota prairie vista |
Wyoming prairie vista |
Gil, a Seabiscuit x Nell pup owned by Dan Schroeder |
Gil, Dan Schroeder's Seabiscuit x Nell male at 15 months of age |
Gil, Dan Schroeder's Seabiscuit x Nell male pointing grouse in Wisconsin |
Sophie, a Seabiscuit x Nell pup owned by Mike Paladino |
Drifter, Dennis Johnson's Seabiscuit x Nell female |
Rocket, a 3 month old Mack x Maggie pup owned by Kurt Summe |
pointing grouse in the orchard covert |
Rory Schneider's Dixie pup, is his constant companion.
She enjoys canoeing with her owner |
Jake, Mark Orstad's
Gold x Dixie pup at 4 months of age |
pointing quail on opening day 2009 |
a Mack x Maggie pup, owned by David Holloway, trained by
Ronnie Smith |
a Mack x Maggie pup, owned by David Holloway, trained by
Ronnie Smith |
Flint, 11 month old Mack x Maggie pup owned by Lee Iverson |
Flint, a 20 month old Mack x Maggie pup owned by Lee Iverson |
Iverson with Flint and her first grouse of the year |
Zeke, a 2007 Mack x Nell pup, at one year of age |
a 2007 Mack x Nell pup owned by Dr. Stewart, pointing quail at 6 months of age |
Lillie, Dr. Stewart's Mack x Nell pup, is a natural retriever like her sire and dam |
a Mack x Abby pup owned by Ed Cummings |
a Mack x Abby pup owned by Dave Carty |
Tango, a Mack x Abby
pup owned by Dave Carty, pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota at 11 months of age |
Striking Elhew Mack x Nitro's Elhew Sea Legs pup |
eight week old male Mack x Exa pup owned by Dean Sobecki |
Elhew Mack x Nitro's Elhew Sea Legs pup |
a 3 month old Mack x Jessie pup owned by Nitro Kennels |
a 3 month old Mack x Jessie pup, owned by Nathan Steeber |
a Mack x Jessie pup at 6 months of age, owned by Nathan Steeber
Fletcher, a Mack
x Jessie pup owned by Kevin Mackey, pointing sage grouse in Wyoming at 7 months of age |
a 3 month old Mack x Jessie pup pointing a butterfly |
a 4-month old Mack x Jessie pup owned by John Marcelli |
at six months, in South Dakota |
pointing a pheasant in South Dakota |
pointing a prairie chicken in South Dakota |
a year old Mack x Jane pup,
pointing a pheasant in South Dakota |
pointing a pheasant in South Dakota |
pointing a pheasant in South Dakota |
Cooper, a Mack x Jessie son owned by John Champion, pointing sharptails
in Utah on a warm September day |
Winchester, Mike Vancourt's
6 month old Mack x Jessie pup pointing grouse in the Michigan U.P. |
Gil, Dan Schroeder's Seabiscuit x Nell male pointing grouse in Wisconsin |
Maggie, a Mack x Exa daughter owned by Jim Hines, pointing sharptails
in Saskatchewan |
a Mack x Exa pup owned by Shawn Corman |
a Mack x Jane pup owned by John Theil, pointing a South Dakota pheasant |
Grouse male |
Grouse female |
Chicken male |
Luke, a Mack x Exa pup owned by David Turcotte |
Bailey, Daniel Rivera's Mack x Jessie pup |
Daisy, Travis Reuther's Gil x Fancy pup |
Bianca, John Marcelli's 12 month old Mack x Jessie pup |
Heath and Kathy Bohman's four month old Mack x Jessie
pup pointing prairie chickens at Buena Vista Marsh |
a Mack x Diva pup owned by Michelle Lazur, at 12 weeks
of age |
a Mack x Diva pup owned by Dan and Jocelyn Schroeder, at
6 months of age |
a Mack x Jessie pup owned by Mike Vancourt, pointing grouse in Michigan at
18 months of age |
Striking Elhew Diva pointing grouse in Wisconsin |
Striking Elhew Rex pointing grouse in Wisconsin |
Rex pointing
woodcock in Wisconsin |
pointing grouse in Wisconsin |
Gitch, a Mack x Diva pup owned by Michelle Lazur |
Red, a Mack x Exa pup owned by Charlie McCord, pointing grouse at 8 months of age |
a 15 week old Mack x Sniper pup |
Bull, a Mack x Jessie pup owned by Jim Brusseau and trained by Sherry Ebert |
a 12 month old Mack x Exa male, owned by Charlie McCord |
a 7 month old Mack x Sniper male, owned by Justin Smith |
Tango, a Mack x Abby female, owned by Dave Carty
Photo by Bill Buckley |
Tango, a Mack x Abby female, owned by Dave Carty
Photo by Bill Buckley |
Tango, a Mack x Abby female, owned by Dave Carty
Photo by Bill Buckley |
Moose, a 7 month old Mack x Sniper male, owned by Darin Yoder |
Moose, a 7 month old Mack x Sniper male, owned by Darin Yoder |
Ennis, a Mack x Jessie male owned by Syrus Beck, pointing quail in Nevada |
Finley, a 5 month old Mack x Diva male owned by Kevin Mackey,
pointing sage grouse in WY |
Boss, a 14 month old Mack x Diva male owned by Dan Schroeder,
pointing a pheasant |
Gil, Dan Schroeder's Seabiscuit x Nell male pointing huns in Montana |
Bianca, a Mack x Jessie daughter
and sister to Haley, pointing huns in Saskatchewan |
Butch Taylor's Jack, a Mack x Jane male and littermate to Rex, pointing
a pheasant in Montana |
Striking Elhew Zoey, a 9 month old Mack x Sniper pup, pointing sharptails on the
Namekagon Barrens |
by Nancy Whitehead |
a young Mack x Exa male owned by Charlie McCord, pointing prairie grouse in South Dakota |
a 4 month old Mack x Sniper male owned by Charlie Albright |
a young Mack x Exa male owned by Charlie McCord |
a 10 month old Mack x Diva pup owned by Dave Carty |
A 7 week old Mack x Explorer's Elhew Arwen pup, owned by Tim Graley of
West Virginia |
a 2-1/2 yr old Mack x Jessie male owned by Heath and Kathy Bohman |
a 6-month old Rex x Haley pup owned by Bill Jeanney,
pointing California quail |
a 13-month old Mack x Sniper Pup owned by Mike Holloway,
pointing grouse in Wisconsin |
a 16-month old Mack x Diva pup owned by Kevin Mackey,
pointing sharp-tails in Montana |
Carty flushing a grouse for Suki, a 16-month old Mack x
Diva pup |
a Mack x Sniper son, owned by Darin Yoder |
a 3-month old Rex x Haley pup owned by Lyndon Graham of Oregon |
Kevin Stewart's Kate,
a Rex x Haley pup, pointing woodcock in Michigan |
Rob Ault's 5 month old Rex x Sophie pup
Flint on point |
Red, a Mack x Exa son owned by Charlie McCord |
Thatcher, a Rex x Haley daughter owned by Bill Jeanney |
An unfriendly South Dakota badger |
Haley, a Mack x Jessie daughter, pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota |
Haley pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota |
Haley pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota |
Rex, a Mack x Jane son, pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota on an 80° day |
pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota on a hot day |
Rex pointing a pheasant in South Dakota |
Zoey, a Mack x Sniper daughter, pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota |
Zoey pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota on an 80° day |
Emmett, an 18 month old Mack x Micki son, pointing a pheasant in South Dakota |
Justin Smith's Mack x Abby daughter. |
Dave Carty's Suki pointing Mearns quail in Arizona |
Toby, a Rex x Haley son, owned by Lyndon Graham, pointing chukars in Oregon |
a Rex x Haley daughter owned by Kevin Stewart |
a 4 month old Rex x Sniper son owned by Bob and Tania McVean, pointing grouse |
a Mack x Sniper daughter owned by Scott and Stacy Flatt,
pointing pheasants in South Dakota |
a Mack x Jaz son owned by Alexander Graley |
Copper, a 7 month old Rex x Sniper pup owned by Bill McGregor |
a Mack x Diva daughter owned by Brian Johnson |
a Rex x Haley daughter owned by Tom Candee and trained by Craig Doherty |
a 6 month old Rex x Sophie pup owned by Mark Tortorelli pointing California Quail |
a Mack x Jaz pup owned by Alexander Graley, pointing prairie chickens in South Dakota |
Odin, a Rex x Haley son owned by Will and Melanie Bomier, is a fine young bird dog and competitive
skijor racer |
Lucy, a 12 month old Rex x Sophie pup owned by John-Christian Stewart, pointing quail in Texas |
Bella, a 13 month old Rex x Haley pup owned by Paul Harvey |
a Rex x Haley son owned by Will and Melanie Bomier,
pointing grouse in Minnesota |
a Rex x Sophie son owned by Tom Ivey, and trained by
Sherry Ebert, pointing pheasants in North Dakota |
a Rex x Sniper son owned by Bob and Tania McVean,
pointing grouse in Minnesota |
a Boss x Haley pup owned by Tim and Michelle Olson,
backing Layla in the grouse woods |
a Mack x Jessie daughter and sister to Haley, owned by
Scott and Kay Jacobson, pointing grouse in Wisconsin |
a Mack x Siva son owned by Dan and Jocelyn Schroeder,
pointing grouse in Wisconsin |
Samantha, a Mack x Layla daughter owned by Superior Pointers, pointing grouse in Wisconsin |
Samantha, a Mack x Layla daughter owned by Superior Pointers, pointing grouse in Wisconsin |
Samantha, a Mack x Layla daughter owned by Superior Pointers, pointing grouse in Wisconsin |